The magic of public relations

Reputation PR with art books

With the help of reputation or so-called image PR, one can generate public attention quite cheaply and sustainably. Sometimes it goes hand in hand with advertising and yet has to be clearly distinguished from it. The so-called “white PR” works with completely clean methods and is to be understood as a brilliant tool of public relations work. It is considered to be the most important success tool of the new millennium. Above all, extraordinary events play an important role. But do you have to divorce twice a year or hire VIPs and opinion makers in order to make a career as an artist or to increase your level of awareness?

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Art gift books by ‘Enter into Art’. Increase your reputation as an artist!

Books always lead to success. You can read them at any age and in any place. They are popular because they bring mental enjoyment and relaxation. They are a happy and comforting refuge, a daily highlight in times of hardship, treasures of education and liberal thought. Full of excitement, they will spend the nights with us. Above all, however, they rouse our curiosity, and many of us find the most thrilling company in the world of books.

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Online events for art lovers in the German blog journal “Bernsteinrose”

We would like to use the second Prelude exhibition in the period 2018-19 as an opportunity to explain the background of our PR topics a little more. It is our goal to provide participating artists with a local and highly attractive presentation, which is also sustained on the Internet. Our online events, which are combined with an homage, serve this purpose.

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