The famous themes of the PR contents in our art books are clearly highlighted on the book cover and discussed in detail in the book in an entertaining way. Our decades of journalistic experience as cultural authors at renowned publishers and editorial teams come in handy.
Feedback from participating artists about our art books and posts (or From visitors of our Earlier exhibitions):
These are original and authentic feedbacks in 2015 – 2024! With regard to personal concerns we do not mention any names of the authors.
Thank you for creating this beautiful publication. I’m honored to be included in it, and the description of my art was beautifully written. I’m looking forward to getting a hard copy. Thank you again.
Mit großer Freude kann ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass die bestellten Bücher „Excellent Art 2024“ heute bei mir eingetroffen sind. Nochmals, Congratulations wirklich eine sehr schöne Edition!! Alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr!
Thank you have created a wonderful book.
What a beautiful book!
BEAUTYFULL BOOK ! I really like what you wrote about my art Thank you !
Gratulation zu Ihrem Buch!!! Danke für ihre sehr gute Arbeit.
The book looks great!
It is happiness hearing from you. The book “Congratulations” is very, very beautiful. I shall wait for the new version published to order more copies. Now, I have concluded that all projects under your management will turn out to be successful and beautiful!
The book looks very elegant! Especially I liked the tiny comments for each art work.
I do appreciate the high quality of the books and am always pleased to have my work presented on their elegant pages.
Das Buch ist ein «Super-Buch»! Vielen Dank für Ihr Wirken und Walten.
I looked at the book and is indeed beautiful, Great Art! from all over the world. Congratulations!
Thank you for giving us all such a beautiful, high quality book.
You make great books! So is this latest one too! So wonderful works and great layout and texts!
I think this is a fabulous book, full of magical words and imagery. Congratulations!!
Gratuliere zum neuen Kunstbuch! Wie immer sehr schön und gut gelungen.
I am very much looking forward to your book project. Art books are important in our world of today. Thank you for the work you are doing in promoting art.
I’m excited to be a part of your art book! Because I think your art books so far are GREAT, and also Gabriele Walter’s projects.
Thank you so very much! It’s an honor to be a part of your efforts to bring together art and music 🙂 I hope to continue to create works that help that effort : )
I am very happy to receive the prize at the “Enter into Art” book design awards of “Color Symphonies – Farbsymphonien”. The themes of your books lead to my new expression.
Much gratitude for sending the attached certificate signifying that the appearance of my work in Color Symphonies won Honorable Mention. I do appreciate the award’s PR value for myself and for all the winners, in expanding our professional success in the future. It is an ongoing pleasure to collaborate with you and with Gabriele Walter, excellent co-Directors of Enter-into-Art, as well as first rate creative professionals yourselves.
The book looks amazing! Proof accepted without change.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show my photo collages in your beautiful new book!
Everything is right, and the text is very suitable and fine – thanks!! The book looks wonderful!:)))
Looks like an outstanding publication–quite impressive. Thanks for all your hard work in making it a reality.
This book looks very very nice, congratulation and I’m glad to be included in it
Herzlichen Dank für den von ihnen erstellten Text zu meinen Arbeiten. Finde ich sehr treffend und sehr gut ausformuliert. Sie haben da irgendwo die Quintessenz auch meines mir vielleicht garnicht bewussten Denkens eingefangen und niedergeschrieben und das ist- auch eine Kunst!!!
I had no idea and I am sincerely humbled and grateful!! The book is so well presented and it is such a privilege to be part of both the group of artists and your project…
I also really appreciate your analysis of my work. Thanks for the nice words.
This is lovely, thank you and also for the beautiful words.
All looks good for my art. Looks like an outstanding publication–quite impressive. Thanks for all your hard work in making it a reality.
I like the layout and your words.
It is a really beautiful book. And I am very appreciate to you about the critique.
Have a wonderful weekend and keep doing what your doing with your books : ) The world needs more of this!
I ordered and received your book “Odyssey of Life”. It is a very good quality! I am pleased!
Your art books have a high quality. This is a great, reliable way for an artist to exhibit their work and be in good company.
I have reviewed the proof for the online book “Fairytale Art for Mozart”. What makes your publications even more special is the collaboration of visual art and literary art. The poems enrich and ennoble the volume. The publication is beautifully accomplished.
Wow, that’s a great art book.
Das Mozart-Buch ist Ihnen sehr gut gelungen. Besten Dank für Ihre großartige Arbeit.
Das Buch ist sehr schön und ansprechend geworden. Freue mich schon, es dann in Händen zu halten. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Arbeit und freue mich auf eine weitere gute Zusammenarbeit.
It is a very beautiful and good quality book.
What a surprise to be rewarded with a blog post. It looks very nice and I’m proud of it.
Den Großteil der von mir erworbenen Exemplare habe ich verschenkt (dabei habe ich immer sehr positive Rückmeldungen erhalten).
Love again the description that was done of my artwork. It’s very encouraging when I can see that my art can also be felt like you show in your words.
The whole book “Flowers for Monet” is a masterpiece. Such a wonderful collection of talented artists. Congratulations to them and to you.
I have just received my copies of the book “Excellent Art 2020” and I am thrilled with the end result. Congratulations and keep up the excellent work.
Thank you for the high quality and excellence of the publication „Moonlight Sonatas“. I received the hardcover printed book as well as the magazine and I am very honoured to be amongst the published artists. Thank you Mr. Kurt.
Dear Gabriele, the edition “Art Retreat” looks great! My congratulations!
Congratulations for such an amazing work, so thoroughly and considered… it’s an honour to be part of “Art Retreat – Living with pictures”.
I would like to congratulate you and your team on the completion of this beautifully put together book “Art Retreat”. It looks absolutely stunning!
Thank you for the beautiful composition of my pages. I am very happy to be in your very interesting book.
Ein sehr schönes Layout und danke für die interpretation meiner Arbeit in “Art Retreat 2020-21”.
I’m always happy to participate in any of your projects.
I got the book „Excellent Art 2020” today. It’s really an excellent book. Thanks for the possibility and for the fantastic work.
Dear Sirs, My solo art book, which I had ordered last month, arrived yesterday. The art book was especially good in reproducing colors, printed in almost the same colors as the actual artwork, which made me feel the high level of printing technology. Thank you very much for your help.
Yes I would like to participate in that book project. I liked the book about Beethoven Moonlight Sonatas and eager to see my work in that book to.
The book “Moonlight Sonatas” is beautiful and very unique. Both design and the presentation text of the ground composer is excellent. The mood of poems is very well suited to the anniversary. Outstanding work. Thank you for letting me to be a part of this very great book.
Thank you very much for sending me the online book link “Moonlight Sonatas”. I am very impressed by the design and content of the book. You really have made a masterpiece!
Dear Kurt, the book is beautiful! A great collection of art and poetry.
It is amazing to see how much efforts and poetic thoughts in the making of a meaningful and beautiful publication as such. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in the celebration of an anniversary to honor Beethoven.
Thank you for kindly sharing the online book “Excellent Art 2020″/ “Exzellente Kunst 2020”. Everything is fine regarding my pages. I would like to extend my appreciation for your comments which we mostly needed as mirrors. Besides, allow me to congratulate you for the accomplishment of the book under ongoing difficult conditions and combining painting, sculpture, poetry, poem, and music within harmony which ends up with richness in depth.
Thank you very much for sending me the online book link of “Excellent Art 2020”. This is the first time I saw my artworks listed in such a nice art book, very exciting. Your writing on my page is wonderful especially the section of Chinese calligraphy, great!
Ich bin begeistert von den vielen unterschiedlichen Werken der Künstler und der gesamten Gestaltung des Buches. Die Platzierung meiner Bilder hinter den Steinskulpturen finde ich toll und danke Ihnen für den wunderbaren Text zu meinen Bildern.
Thank you for your great job as the editor of Excellent Art book. I truly love this book and I appreciate your beautiful review about my work.
The book “Excellent Art 2020” looks intriguing and there are interesting works that one can look at and enjoy something unique. I like your idea of a music suggestion. Thank you for the written introduction about my art. I really like it! I hope people will appreciate the quality of the book with its intention for relaxation and joy.
es (ist) – wird ein sehr schönes, gut durchdachtes buch, auf das ich mich sehr freue … für so viele teilnehemer die seiten zu arrangieren, den jeweiligen text dazu zu schreiben, layouten … ich freue mich sehr, dass sie mich eingeladen haben.
I ordered the book “A Fine Art Journey” and we received it yesterday. Very good book. Thanks!
I have just received your book A Fine Art Journey. Very nice.
Thank you so much for the wonderful blog post and warm words about my works!
Thank you very much for your email with the link to the reward blog post. I am very happy with the excellent description of my work and I am grateful that the post will be published in your Bernsteinrose Blog Journal.
Thank you very much for the link to your website. Everything you do is perfect and meaningful.
Das Buch Excellent Art ist bei mir angekommen. Vielen Dank für das tolle Buch. Es ist schön und es macht Freude, sich die Bilder, die Texte anzuschauen und das Papier anzufassen. Die Gestaltung ist sehr gelungen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Engagement.
My image on page 51 “Yellowstone Eruption Gone Arye” actually looks great. I am really impressed with the layout of the book as well. Good job. Thank you for that opportunity.
Congratulations on the book. Beautiful art works, poems and text.
Sehr schön geworden, das Buch von Ihnen beiden! Glückwunsch!
My copy of the Kunstretreat 2018-19 catalogue has arrived and I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed looking through it – it’s beautifully put together, the colours of the work are very faithfully reproduced and it’s so interesting to see the range of other artists’ work from the exhibition. For anyone unable to attend, the art book gives a strong feeling of the power of grouping work according to the colour spectrum. I see how this way of curating lifts the individual pieces into another dimension to do with colour, and which has a spiritual quality that is very moving. It’s a special record of a wonderful event and I appreciate it. Thank you again for your thoughtful and considerate curating.
Many thanks for the splendid gift book Enter into Art 2018-19. I am pleased to have some of my work as an artist included in it and am proud to have been a judge.
I look forward to spending many relaxing moments – even hours – reading the words and looking at the images. Also thank you for returning the engravings. Enter into Art is a monumental achievement spreading so much pleasure and goodwill!
Today, I have received the beautiful volume of “Kunstretreat”. I am honored to be included in your project. I also have found and will continue to find inspirations from interesting works of artists around the world. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate and to send me the volume overseas. I also like the title of the volume, “Kunstretreat”. It is beautiful and profound.
Got the latest “Kunstretreat” today with prints. A very nice publication.
I have received my artworks and the very beautiful art book a week ago. Thanks! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020!
The book “Excellent Art” looks wonderful, so far is my favorite book out of all the previous publications. Excellent work, thank you.
THE CATALOGUE HAS ARRIVED!!!! IT’S very, very beautiful and I thank You for magnificient and a complex work. See You soon
Die Bilder und der Katalog sind wohlbehalten bei mir angekommen. Das Kunstbuch ist für mich sehr eindrucksvoll; es ist ein wahres Vergnügen, darin zu blättern. Hinzufügen möchte ich noch, dass mir Ihr Ausstellungskonzept sehr gut gefällt. Gleichzeitig möchte ich mich für die schöne Gestaltung meiner Seite bedanken.
I just today received the catalog from you. It seems to be the best book/catalog I have seen for long time. Magnificent printing, colors and graphic. I would like to join in your next project.
Thank you for your information. I was visiting the exhibition in Bernkastel – Kues and find it well. The way you presented the small artworks and the nice little Museum.
Thanks for the art book, which I got yesterday. The Art book is really stunning. Hopefully I can continue to participate there in art exhibition!
Congratulations on your great work with a long period of exhibitions in Germany. Feel proud of your hard work and all the efforts finding the places to organise the diverse shows. It has been a pleasure to be part of your wonderful events. Please if you want to plan something similar in the future do not hesitate to contact me. I am sure as most of the artists, we are very happy with the results. Thank you so very much for everything. I would love to participate in your next adventure with art and artists. I really appreciate it.
Das Kunstbuch “Kunstretreat 2019” habe ich erhalten und bereits mehrmals darin geblättert, für mich ist das Kunstbuch eine gute Idee, sehr schön und wohl überlegt von Ihnen Beiden gemacht, danke und schön, dass Sie mich darauf aufmerksam machten.
I just received your catalogue and it really looked great. All spheres and colors combined in a very fine bookwork, a perfect combination of images, texts and poetry!
Congratulations for the amazing presentation of the participant’s works in the online art book-Catalogue! Amazing presentation of the slide show and the chapter regarding Guillaume Apollinaire!!! Thank you very much, for the excellent work you have done, so seriously and with so much affection! I am looking forward to receiving the beautiful catalogue!
Thank you very much for the fascinating book. The collection is interesting. The project is intellectual and important. It was an honor for me to have participated.
Thank you very much for being able to participate with you. Delighted with the treatment received in this exhibition. The organization is spectacular. I hope to repeat with great enthusiasm next year.
Thank you for the large catalog printed on a high quality paper, which came today with my works! My works are in the same condition as I made them, after five exhibitions in Germany! No marks, no scratches, thank you for handeling the art works thatway! I am impressed!
I already saw your Art Book online and I liked it a lot! Beautiful work, congratulations!
With a constant admiration for everything you do, a very special level, thank you so much!
Just to thank you both so very much for compiling these excellent photographs of the opening of the exhibition, and for your evocative description of the lecture, poetry table and film show of the large-scale work. It’s wonderful for all the artists to feel so included and to be able to have such a vivid impression of how the work is being displayed. The imaginative mix of poetry, lecture and artwork with reference to colour theory and the history and beauty of the locations in which the work is being displayed is very special. Thank you again for all the thought and hard work that has gone into this exhibition and your excellent communication with participants, it’s greatly appreciated.
As a participant of these 5 great exhibitions I wish to thank you for your amazing effort and patience with organizing such big events on so many different places. I travelled online through the exhibition places with you and it was a beautiful journey!!!
Thank you for informing me. I’m glad to see pictures of the site and I am having a lot of fun. I appreciate it.
I am very happy to participate in your exhibition in Germany and also to recive your book catologue.
Thanks a lot for the info. The workload and perseverance with which you support the realization of this project is impressive. The result is exceptional! I congratulate you and thank you!
I discovered your 4th Artbook with a real pleasure.
Many thanks for the wonderful catalog!
This looks fantastic. Many thanks for all your time and consideration. Really appreciate it.
Excellent!! Thank you for letting me know.
Magnificent! Thanks and congratulations for the success achieved through tenacity, elegance and refinement! Have a nice day!
Dearest Kurt and Gabriele, I thank You very much for Your big and magnificent work!!!!
Thank you for putting my work in the selected artwork of your blog. An interesting initiative. Artistic greetings
Thank you dear Mr. Ries and Mrs. Walter for the information and updates!! The program is amazing!!
Thanks a lot, it is really good to see my picture in this blog! The picture goes very well with the feelings expressed in the final stanza, with its magic thread, and the feeling of being held in a magic circle. Both the design and the somewhat subdued colours play a role herein. A perfect example of how poetry and image may well strengthen one another. Well done!
I saw the website and I thank you very much for the great job carried on. The place is very prestigious and everything makes us think of your big commitment. I’m hounored to have been invited by you to your exhibition.
I am very pleased to once again participate in “Enter into Art”. The work you put into the website and the events surrounding the exhibition is worthy of praise.
Thank you both again for all your hard work curating all these wonderful images and excellent communication with participants. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of this touring exhibition.
I am very excited about the blog you have mailed. I used google translater to understand it, for my german is not enough to understand it. Still I am very glad and really excited.
Thank you very much for sending me the link. I really enjoyed watching all the pictures, as well as being part of the jury.
I feel glad to participate this year and the following on such a profound project wich really resonates with the core of my art process search.
I’m happy to participate with your exhibition and communicate with many people through the art.
Thank you for the nice certificate!
Thank you so much dear for this beautiful certificate….
Thank you for the beautiful and very interesting catalogue that I got by post Friday 8th September.
You have done a beautiful work with artworks and explanation and I appreciate indeed the haikus
So Nice!!!!!
Looks very good! The Prelude you’ve arranged! Thanks for the photos
It was an honor to be invited. Thank YOU for this amazing opportunity. Wonderful!
Estimados Kurt y Gabriel: encantada de participar en estos eventos, siempre con buenas noticias, los felicito por su organización, y programación en todo. Saludos cordiales
Thank you very much for the always good communication and service!
Very cool!
Such a nice flyer Kurt!
Many thanks! We are very happy to participate in your events.
I am deeply moved by reading the articles posted in the department log. That is a very wonderful expression. And I can also pass on my enthusiasm for phrasing my work. I am teaching art to 400 junior high school students and the students were very pleased with the reception of the handover.
It was a pleasure to view the entrants and the vast creativity of thought in the 2016 to 2017 Kuntstretreat.
WOWWWW!!!!!!!! Grazie della bella e indovinata critica, ne sono molto felice.
I have received the photos of the opening 2017 and I am very happy and proud to participate in this very interesting project – Enter into Art. The level of works was really great as well as the efficient organization of the show. I congratulate all the participants. Thank you very much for this great opportunity. I look forward to being invited to integrate future editions and initiatives.
I like your website very much. My congratulations. Thank You, that I could participate in this art event as the jury member.
Thank you very much for great and marvellous work….Your exhibitions are too good !!!!!! Ciao
Congratulations to the winners, the prints represented are beautiful and a grand representation of an array of prowess and artistry.
It is a great pleasure to visit all the exhibition on the site…Merci à vous
You are doing a great job and providing prefect service for artists!
Wonderfull news and very very good work you both do (and did) ! Thank you for the good services.
Thank you very much, such an interesting exhibition. I’m going to join you again, and I will let you know.
Thank You very much for inviting me as a member of the jury of the exhibition Enter into Art-2017. I am very pleased. I feel honored to receive this proposal. Of course I agree and I undertake this very responsible task with great joy. You can be sure that my decisions concerning choosing artists for the prizes will be very seriously considered. I respect Your initiative and the idea of exhibitions – they are impressive! Congratulations!
My fingers are crossed for you that your show goes well. Very Best from Dublin.
I like the spaces they have created to expose the works.
Thank you for organising these exhibitions. They are source of motivation and excitement for many.
A wonderful exhibition.
Thank you also for the beautiful, professional publishing (book-catalog). It is a pleasure to cooperate with you.
… ich finde es einfach toll was Ihr macht, und so erfreulich das Ihr eine Bûhne errichtet für die Kleingrafik.
It looks very professional. Well done and thank you so much!
Thank you for the information!!!! I visited your site and I want to congratulate you for the great work you have done!!!! The exhibition looks fantastic! I wish I could be there and see it in real!
I so happy that your project is getting started. Congratulations Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in it.
Oh! It’s a beautiful colorful exposition! It’s a nice surprise. Everything fits .
We will come to visit the expo on Saturday. One day Cologne.
Thank you very much for the beautiful exhibition! And of course, you are both wonderful people with the heart for people and art on the right place. The haikus of Gabriele are full of wisdom and silence. You read and you have to think about it. That’s what I want to read. The last ‘haikus’ with only 2 words (in the silent room) are wonderfull. More words are not necessary. They say enough.
We are back home. We were very pleased to be at the opening of the exhibition, that we liked very much. Especially the colour-concept and the quality of the presented works.
The exhibition looks impressive and I like the blocks of colour behind the prints. White walls can be quite boring! I also think that the info on your website is amazing – the best I have seen to date and really gives one a good impression of the space and works. Congratulations! I have put shows together myself in the past and know how much energy, time and often frustration is involved.
I’m glad, everything is ok. I see the pictures from the opening of the exhibition, the gallery and everything looks beautiful. Good luck!
Liebe Frau Walter
Die Farbenkunstausstellung hat mir gut gefallen. Kompliment für die sorgfältige, spürsame Präsentation. Sehr gelungen! Ich habe mich erfreut, auch an den Haiku. Sehr schön und poetisch. Sollten Sie wiedermal in der Nähe eine Ausstellung haben komme ich gerne zum Schauen.
Dear Madame and Monsieur, thanks for your Professional cultural program and so well organised exhibitions.
It’s a wonderful program, and I would be delighted if I could go to Cologne, Nassau or Diez, but I can’t because of my work.
It is a pleasure to be part of this event and looking forward to stay in touch for future art exchanges.
Thank you very much for the fotos and Info pertaining to the exhibition that you have posted. I am very pleased with our cooperation and of cource I would love to stay in touch for everything else in the future.
Thanks so much for all of the updates and information, the website is great! I just want to take a moment to thank you for all of the hard work, and to wish you both a joyous holiday!
…the diversity of ideas and creations is impressive – so pleased to have been a part of the project.
Thanks a lot for your message! I had much pleasure seeing the online show, and the Nassau pictures. Once again, many thanks to Gabriele and you and your staff!
Thank you for all the effort that you put into organizing these expositions. Congratulations with this creative endeavour!
A big thank for all these informations, that is perfect and very clear!
Thanks for the info you give me the organization of Enter into Art , which I follow with pleasure (it is a part from a distance ) . The image that revenue from your information is an effective organization and secure quality.
Thank you for exciting updates on your project. I am truly glad hearing only positive and encouraging news about events plans and further developments. I sincerely wish another successful year ahead of you.
Happy, peaceful and creative 2016!!! Thank you for the invitation to participate in the exhibitions . I am happy that those events grow and develop in such way.
Thank you for the news! you made a great job with this system of jury selections…
I was so happy to receive your email about the opening night of the exhibition. I wished I had been there, the photos were tremendous, and it was very interesting to see the exhibition and the many different works. I found it very humbling and deeply uplifting to be part of an exhibition that has so many people from around the planet. I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work. I will be following the updates of the exhibition. I also wanted to say how impressed I was by the online display of the art works and it was a great pleasure to see my own work.
Wow, just looked, congratulations, you organised something really special, i feel honoured to be included.
Grazie! Grazie per il vostro lavoro e per la mail dettagliata! Bellissimi eventi espositivi!
Me siento muy alegre porque mi intuición no se equivocó al confiar,sin conocer nada de ustedes, en la calidad de sus almas. Gracias por cumplir con todo. Recorrer las imagenes de nuestra muestra , ya que soy parte de ella , es un gran placer por su calidad no solo artística sino también humana. Espero muy buenas noticias . Saludos cordiales y paz para nuestro mundo.
Estimada gente, estoy regresando de mis vacaciones y e visto por este medio lo hermoso que estuvo la inauguración, mucha gente y muchos artistas, mis Felicitaciones a los organizadores. Para las próximas muestras espero me convoquen y mandare otras obras. Muchas gracias.
I have a look of your website and find the other winners and participants works. I think level of “Enter into Art 2016” is very high. I am so pleased to get the Prize among them. And I think any winners’ works are so intriguing.
Please find attached my selection of artworks 1 – 12. It has been an interesting exercise. I had been guided by how the images have “spoken” to me, for their mystery or message and also for their poetical value. Most were “technically” very good and I like the variety of disciplines which have happened of it’s own accord. I have been on selection committees before but the way you have done it is brilliant and well executed! The images were easy to depict and one has had enough time to look closely and slowly come to a decision. Where there is a jury together, it is pretty distracting and one is often too influenced by the others. I hope you are satisfied.
My experience an artist working with this exhibition has been very positive, I have been impressed with how well things have been organized and the traveling of the show to a number of venues. I recognise the tremendous amount of work that it takes to put this all together and was honored to take part in the exhibitions last year. The book was well done and a joy to receive. You all have done a great job and I have enjoyed the opportunity to be included. Thank you!
I am very happy that my artworks come to you without incident. Thank you also for the beautiful, professional publishing (book-catalog). It is a pleasure to cooperate with you.
Thank you very much for the publication of all the pictures ! It’s many many work to realise this. All the works were very beautiful. We like them. The jury has choosen very well. Thank you both for the good service and organisation and nice and regular communication.
Thanks for the nice news … I looked at the PDF edition, just you and maximum effort and professionally done … an honor it was to work with you
This is wonderful news – thank you for advising of the distribution of the catalogues. It was great to be a part of the project.
Am I getting my artwork back and a copy of the book!? That’s exciting!
Thank you for your message, I am very much looking forward to recieving the art book. It was a great pleasure and a great honor to participate in your wonderful show with artists from all over the world.
I have received the mail and I am very happy because of the book. Let me congratulate you on your labor in favor of arts.
Thank you for your email with information about the Enter into Art: Art Book. The book looks amazing. Congratulations on producing such an extraordinary cultural event.
I am really happy to have been invited and to have participated in your beautiful exhibition and installation. The book looks good, and I am really looking forward to receiving it. And of course I want to participate in all your future projects.
I am very thankfull for your kindness, I am very happy about the artbook, I will soon send my artworks for the “Enter-Into-Art 2017”
I received works and beautiful catalogue. Thank You very much for details about publication. It was great honor for me to be jury member in Your professional exceptional art event.
I appreciate all the work you and the team have put into this exhibition! I look forward to receiving the book.
I am quite impressed by the cultural and philosophical dimension of your exhibitions comprising all the arts in a harmonious unity which coincides with my views painting, poetry and music as complementary means, words calling for mental images and feelings, images depicting feelings and atmospheres sometimes both unspeakable in normal talk, music reaching souls directly. In my poetry readings, presented in the frame of my artworks, it was absolutely obvious to me to have musicians accompany the poems and we would spend time together to form a unity, musicians sometimes improvising on some of the poems.
I am proud to be part of your project and in perfect unity with your vision which is very different from other exhibitions I am invited to. I wish you great success and the appreciative audience you deserve.
Further References About our art books and the annual catalog:
Today, September 14th, 2016, I received the book “Enter into Art 2016” in a luxury package. Everything is in perfect conditions!!I am very happy that I could participate with my artwork. You have an artist and a friend!
I have today got your book wonderful book and I will read all your texts. I have studied a long time ago some ideas of color symbolism and the colors impact on the human sense. I will read your book with interest.
Thank you so much for the beutiful book I recieved today. Everything is so professional and ambitious. I understand that you have worked very hard about all of these.
Thank you so much for the awesome beautiful catalogue!! Congratulations!
Thank you Kurt und Gabriela for the work you did and the book. In the next week I will read it and I hope many with me!
I just have recived your Art Book with my prints. Thank you for let me participat to your amazing art project. Book is very beautiful. I am sorry didn’t find the way to visit any exhibition.
The book arrived yesterday. A very nice publication. I am proud to be part of it. I was sorry not to be able to enter this year but please notify me for next event.
Just to thank you for my book, I have found really nice.
Thank you for sending on my prints and for the catalogue. It is a really good production and I am delighted to be one of the artists featuring in it.
Thank you for sending me the complete package (including the catalogue and the art works): it arrived by mail, I received it in perfect condition. I would like to congratulate you with this beautiful publication: the book is quite immaculate. I’m looking forward to participating again, in december!
…just received the artbook and my picture. Thank you for that. The artbook is magnificent. Thanks for everything and I will try to participate in 2017
Today I received the high quality catalogue. Thank’s a lot.
Today (Monday) I received the exellent exhibition catalogue and was happy. It`s O.K. to take a look (list) at it on the website, but it feels better to hold it in one’s own hands.
Besten Dank für das tolle Buch und für die Rücksendung der Bilder. Meine Kolleginnen und ich sind begeistert!
Thank you so much for returning my works and for the wonderful catalog. It is always good to see the works of fellow artists displayed so beautifully.
Thank you very much, I have just recieved the book. It’s beautifull, I ‘ m very pleased and honored to be part of it.
…today I received a catalog and my artworks. Great thanks for the wonderful organization of the exhibition!
Today I went to the post affice to collect the catalogue and my works. Everything arrived safely. The catalogue is beautiful and has a good lay-out. The works are clear and represent the meaning of the exhibition. I thank you for the collaboration. I am looking forward to Enter into Art 2017.
Congratulations on the book – I received it yesterday and it looks fantastic…
I received in very well condition the catalogue and my works. My husband and I are very gratified about the catalogue. The catalogue shows us that many many hours of work had it cost to edit it! It has an professional look. Thank you for all the good PR!
Always has taken care, thank you. To be part of a wonderful exhibition, I was happy. Works and pictorial record was successfully received. Thank you so much.
Thank you for returning my works, and the catalogue, witch is very good.
I received the excellent catalog and my work in early September. I am very glad to know that the catalog was distributed in the German library network and National Library. And it can be purchased at Amazon.
Vielen Dank. Heute habe ich die Paket geholt. Publikation ist schön,
Die Bilder sehen gut aus. Danke, auch meine Aquarellen sind glücklich hier zurück.
You both keep very busy, thank you for all your efforts with the show! I look forward to receiving a copy of the book.
I just received the catalogue .It is great. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for returning the art and sending me a copy of the exhibition catalogue. The catalogue is beautifully designed and I am enjoying immensely looking through at all the various artworks. A real pleasure,
…the artwork and the catalogue have arrived and the catalogue looks very nic
Today I received your wonderful catalogue! Thank you very much!!!! 🙂
Hola queridos amigos , el día 13 de Septiembre recibí todo lo que me enviaron, quedé maravillada de la buena calidad de su book .
At last I have your book and write you to thanks for your great job! I like your catalogue very much, looked it many times and each time could see more and more interesting details of organization of book space.
I have already received the catalogue of the exhibition and a paper of the receiving a prize. And it is full of thanks and joy.
Thank you very much, I recieved the copy of the art book and the new invitation 2017. The art book is fabulous!
…ich habe die Sendung in Ordnung bekommen.Vielen Dank! Der Katalog gefällt mir sehr .
I have received my print back and the very nice catalogue. That is a great job!
Thanks for the book and returning the images. It is a beautiful collection of Prints.
I received Kunstretreat and I thank you for the special art book. So much effort for a really good result.
Wonderfull news and very very good work you both do (and did) ! Thank you for the good services.
Thanks a lot for the book! I received it yesterday, and it looks great! It is a real pleasure to leaf through the pages, read bits here and there, and most of all: consider the prints carefully.
I’m excited about the “16 times art book” , 😊
Thanks again for everything.
Ich möchte mich hiermit herzlich bedanken für das sehr gelungene Buch !!! Aufmachung, Druck, Doppelseite für jeden Künstler: Super!
I did receive the blog post you sent me some time ago and was really pleased with it!
The photos are excellent and the German text so complimentary – and poetical…. Must be your influence?
danke für den zauberschönen onlinebeitrag zu meinen bildern. er gefällt mir sehr gut, sensible, aussagekräftig, treffend … einfach gelungen. dankeschön dafür.
Thank you so much, Kurt and Gabriele!
It looks wonderful!!
Thank you for letting me know, wonderful page!
I appreciated honoring my work.
Looking forward to participate soon to next show opportunity.
Vielen Dank für den sehr schönen Text. Er hat mich sehr berührt und trifft auf einen großen Teil meiner Bilder zu.
Thank you for your e-mail! I read and enjoyed the post. Vielen Dank für alles.