The way we work?

Usually, we do not give out free copies. Copies can be purchased from the publisher at a reduced author price. Publishing with a publisher is a valuable service which enhances an author’s reputation. The books are usually published by the German publishing house Rediroma with ISBN and before that in a first edition by the bookseller Peecho in Amsterdam. Any number of printed books can be purchased from both publishers at any time – with Peecho in different qualities.

We publish 2 to 4 art books per year and they are all edited sequentially. Browse through our wide variety of books!

The famous themes of the PR contents in our art books are clearly highlighted on the book cover and discussed in detail in the book in an entertaining way. Our decades of journalistic experience as cultural authors at renowned publishers and editorial teams come in handy. We inform relevant cultural institutions about the respective book.

A sense of permanence

The books will be distributed via the German library network. They are cataloged in the German National Library and the Provincial Library of our district.

All books are also available usually on Amazon and around 20 other internet book shops. They are all allocated a unique ISBN. Art lovers around the world can purchase the books in their local bookstores or online, to keep forever.

Free online book for download

In order to keep book prices down, since 2020 we have limited the number of artists / pages per book (please check the terms and conditions). We offer several book projects with different topics – usually available as softcover and hardcover – so you can choose your preference. We also offer services such as competitions with valuable book design rewards and a free online version of the book which you can download and share with your friends and art lovers.

Our art gift books contain poetry and other original creative text and illustrations of popular themes. This can greatly enhance the artists’ reputation. The design of our books is excellent, featuring brilliant professional texts, art slogans and interpretations, written by us specially for the artists. With our own texts, we set out to influence readers’ opinions in a way that gives your works charisma and a positive, lasting effect. (We are working in the field of public relations and don’t advertise! In advertising, the client writes his text himself, which often leads to obstruse superlatives and excessive self-praise.)

There is no compulsory purchase of copies and there is no minimum purchase required. Books can be purchased at any time from the publisher – means also later (see above).

Increase your reputation by international art books

We offer books in a bilingual format, translated by professional native speakers. Our international books use English as a first language. Please read more about this in PART 2 and PART 3 of our terms and conditions.

We ensure that artists have independence (see our user contract). A book is a valuable tool by which artists can promote themselves in a targeted way. PR, enhancing artists’ reputations, has an indirect and long-term effect which can generate prestige and recognition, leading to high financial returns. Our book design awards also play an important role in this regard.

The texts in our books encourage readers to look closely at your works and to enjoy them. Through our PR strategy and gift book concept, the interplay of art, poetry / literature, classical music and cultural history is central to our book series – bilingual with prominent topics playing an important role.

Maximum one year for each book project

After registering, artists have about four months to send us their artworks digitally (depending on the deadline, which can be shorter at the end of the registration period). Please refer carefully to our guidelines for registration to avoid mistakes in the book! After all the images are available, we usually need one year to prepare each book for printing with the publisher (ISBN). If everything goes well, things can go faster. (So far, the online book and the first edition at Peecho have been published much faster – after 3 – 6 month.)

Our books are very sophisticated with complex content, which need much more time than a standard art catalog. The poems and photo collages for the design, for example, as well as the texts on the prominent topics are far from being created in a day. Professional translation also takes time. We ask for your patience and understanding: a good book is a lot of work! An anniversary can be a possible occasion (impuls for an hommage / theme) for a book, but not a reason to publish it in time for the anniversary, as our topics are always popular and effective. The anniversary is mentioned in the book, but does not prime role. Inviting suitable participants from all over the world takes time! And since some of our books are themed, it takes a while for all the images to be available.

We will keep you informed about the progress of the book. This also applies to our free services. Updated information is also available in the top menu CALL ARTISTS. The books are published sequentially.

The art books in our German online journal

In our German online journal “Bernsteinrose”, the art book will be shared in the context of a greeting, as part of a congratulatory message, or given away as a free online magazine. A promotional button on the sidebar draws the attention of all readers to the art books.

We will do our best for you and wish you every success!
