Miniprint and mixed media in Germany
Interested in our book projects?
‘Enter into Art’ emerged from the international art installations “Fascination of worldwide art, color and meditation” with small-format pictures, which were organized by Kurt Ries and Gabriele Walter for a number of years in Germany.
We have held over 20 exhibitions in recent years – in 10 towns on three rivers (Rhine, Moselle, Lahn):
We changed conceptually and will concentrate on the publication of art books. The focus of our art contests will be the respective book with the participating pictures. Regardless of exhibitions or presentations, we will continue to publish also our art book “Kunstretreat” with small-scale images – in conjunction with an annual competition and with our traditional concept “Fascination of worldwide art and color” under meditative aspects.
On the other hand our art events and presentations will be generally free of charge. Probably we will held at most one exhibition or book presentation per year, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee it. The event can take place in Cologne (or in another location from our past exhibitions). In addition, a book presentation can take place in our studio gallery “Apollinaire”, which will be primarily designed as an online event. However, chiefly winners will be highlighted in these free art shows. We will let you know if your artwork is included.
Interesting exhibition opportunities can always arise. We will therefore occasionally organize events. If you are a participant with us, in any case you can benefit from it, in particular by our on-screen presentations with a continuous video loop and relaxing music on headphones!
Why are miniprints and small-scale pictures the ideal form of publicity for an artist in the international arena?
With their concentrated beauty, mini format mixed media resemble precious stones or blooms. In a mindful way, they are comparable to the experience of sipping fine wine, which has a lasting effect. That’s why we designed our annual art book “Kunstretreat” as an entertaining gift and meditation book with miniprints and other small-scale works. The book not only includes a guide to art meditation, it also deals with other entertaining subjects, such as collecting and living with art. The ‘Enter into Art’ events were the first worldwide miniprint exhibitions in Germany.
Miniprints by extraordinary art installations
In keeping with the motto “small is big”, we embeded the miniprints and small format images into an art installation (event with music, lyrics, art objects and a comprehensive concept of mindfulness for your pictures). Our miniprint events received much more attention than a standard exhibition.
You can make a big impact by participating in our miniprint and mixed media book projects, which are based on this concept. The beauty of small images is that it can tempt collectors to buy larger pictures from you, the sales of which you can handle yourself.
- By the color order the miniprints and small images gain a clear and quiet charisma, whereby the attentiveness in the viewers is increased. And the artistic arrangement in the book enhances the beauty of the individual images.
Miniprint contest with over twenty awards and rewards and about 30% finalists
In interaction with the publication of the book we will award over 20 prizes. The importance of prizes to the reputation of an artist is self-explanatory.
- All winning pictures are displayed on the annual artbook cover and will be rewarded by a special blog post with their names in the title.
- If possible, the first place winner will each receive a solo exhibition (embedded in one of our presentations or events).
- The winners of an Amber Award and all finalists will get an extraordinary promotion by special collectiv blog posts.
.Miniprints or small-scale pictures instead blatant advertising
Given their compressed format, miniprints or small-scale mixed media more broadly represent an advertisement for artists.
- Here’s the trick: it is not blatant advertising, but effective public relations.
- The international aura and the diversity will increase the interest in the pictures. This is why we decided to organize in 2015 the first worldwide miniprint and mixed media exhibitions in Germany. We have held over 20 international exhibitions at various locations.
Art book with German publisher
Miniprints and small format pictures (mixed media) are ideal for art collectors, also if inhabiting a small space.
- In our gift book “KUNSTRETREAT” (Art Retreat), the images are presented as noble collectibles and gifts.
- We publish our unique art book with a German publisher. The book with your miniprint and small-formate pictures can be purchased via Amazon and worldwide bookstores.
- It will enjoy an enduring distribution throughout the world. Since it has an ISBN number, it is cataloged in the German National Library and distributed via Germany’s library network.
Neither our art and gift book nor our German and English online documentations are standard, which is why each of them makes a major impact in terms of public relations.
You can enjoy these benefits with new miniprint or smal-scale mixed media images every year and in turn achieve a powerful repetition effect. The best public relations encourages viewers to respond voluntarily to the artworks!