Interested in participating?
Our international art books have the character of gift books with pictures and lyrical poems. The texts in the books – written by us specially for the artists – encourage readers to look closely at the artworks and to enjoy them. These are bilingual art books (first in English and also in German) in full color, published as hardcover or softcover (or both). We usually publish two to four books a year. The English sections of our books are translated by professional translators (all of whom are native English speakers). In addition to solo books, there are various book series that are accompanied by international contests:
Series of our art gift books:
- Enter into Art – LOUNGE 1, 2 and 3 (large format artworks)
- Art Retreat – Kunstretreat (small format artworks)
- Solo art books
- If you received an invitation from us, you are always welcome at our art projects. Since we contacted you and you like our concept, feel free to sign up!
- If we are friends on the social web with you as mutual followers, then you may feel invited. If interested, please send us an email by referring to the network. We need your address for your entry.
- If you are a lecturer at an art department or an art school, we will be glad to send you an invitation with our rules.
(Die Teilnahme von Künstlern aus Deutschland ist nur mit spezieller jährlicher Einladung möglich. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis!)
We are always pleased to receive recommendations of other artists.
- If there are artists in your circle of friends and acquaintances who would like to participate in our projects, please tell us their name and contact email. After we will send your friend an invitation with a reference to your recommendation.
- You can inform your art friend with a link to our websites or projects.
We also organize solo projects. If you are interested in a solo presentation with special public relations, please contact us!
(We answer all legitim emails. If you get no response, please ask for a confirmation of receipt! We will not respond to requests that do not specify a residential address and a true bio person / artist.)