Art gift book “Poetry of Travel – Poesie des Reisens” – In memory of Paul Klee

In memory of Paul Klee

Book series LOUNGE 2 – volume XI

Editor: Kurt Ries

Visual artists have always traveled because for people who create art, it is essential to unlock new sources of inspiration. In Paul Klee’s artistic career, traveling played an especially large part. Time and again, he went to Italy, France and Switzerland. Both his trips to Tunisia and Egypt had a major impact on his work. On his quest to overcome the limitations of sensual experience and explore the secrets of nature, he encountered progressive European painters’ movements and eventually found his own style, which brought him world success.

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Paul Klee: Journey of Longing to a Realm of Magic and Poetry

Excerpts from the book “Poetry of Travel”

Visual artists have always traveled because for people who create art, it is essential to unlock new sources of inspiration. In Paul Klee’s artistic career, traveling played an especially large part. Time and again, he went to Italy, France and Switzerland. Both his trips to Tunisia and Egypt had a major impact on his work. On his quest to overcome the limitations of sensual experience and explore the secrets of nature, he encountered progressive European painters’ movements and eventually found his own style, which brought him world success.

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Living with pictures

Excerpt from the book “Art Retreat 2020-21 – Living with pictures”

Collect, arrange and enjoy art

There are many reasons to collect art: prestige, value and appreciation of the artist’s reputation may play a role for one collector, a personal relationship with the artist, the joy of collecting or the responsibility for art and its promotion for another. In addition, there are those who are profit-oriented, for whom a work of art is primarily an investment without there being a personal, emotional connection or in-depth specialist knowledge.

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Art gift books by ‘Enter into Art’. Increase your reputation as an artist!

Books always lead to success. You can read them at any age and in any place. They are popular because they bring mental enjoyment and relaxation. They are a happy and comforting refuge, a daily highlight in times of hardship, treasures of education and liberal thought. Full of excitement, they will spend the nights with us. Above all, however, they rouse our curiosity, and many of us find the most thrilling company in the world of books.

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