Free internet documentation, online PR

View from Königswinter to Bonn

View from Königswinter to Bonn

  • You may read also the FAQ on our website!

Our free service?

Bonus video: For the first 20 registrations per book, we create our bonus video with relaxing music once a year.

See an example here: International Artworks 2024

Online book: We document your participation in our free online book – in both English and German.

Sustainable internet documentation:

Books will be documented as sustainable virtual events on both our English website (here!) and in our German internet magazine (Bernsteinrose-Blog).
  • The book will be featured in blog posts with links to the online book.
  • At least one artwork per artist (and book) will be shown in our German Online Gallery for one year (devided into color chapters for an art meditation) and after that forever in the German Online Archiv.

PR for our books in the international and German online press (examples):


Awards and Rewards?

All artists of the “Enter into Art” books are invited and nominated!

In order to keep the quality of our books at a high level, we regularly hold competitions. Our art contests are organized in conjunction with our book projects. For details, refer respectively to the Rules!

Book Design Awards

There are up to 11 book design awards!

We will provide certificates for our Book Design Awards. Basically, however, the book itself serves as a certificate, which – not only for the award winners! – is an excellent advertising medium and PR tool!

These are very valuable rewards in the form of your artwork being on the book cover, back cover, title page or other highlighted pages in the book. The total value of  the awards is about EUR 2000-3000 plus non-quantifiable value of a PR press release.

We will publish all “Book Design Award”-winning images in a joint blog post at the end of the year (example). There are 11 prizes per book. The winners also will be highlighted in our blog posts about the respective book. The prizes are divided into the following categories: 1st prize (front cover), 2nd prize (back cover), 3rd prize (title page), Honorable Mentions (chapter pages or other highlighted pages).

The book design prizes are awarded according to the requirements of the book design, whereby the quality of the works of art naturally plays an important role.

Please find more information in the “Tips and Offers” on our basic website.

With regard to the awards for small-format works of art, please note the special rules for the book series “ART RETREAT – Living with pictures”.