Excellent Art 2024, vol. IV

Don’t miss this opportunity! Books are permanent and lasting!

International book project with contest

Art Gift Book ‘Excellent Art 2024’

(Book series: LOUNGE 3 – volume IV)

(No limitation on size, style, medium and subject for your works of art!)

Accompanying theme of the book:
“Pastorale” (6th Symphony) by Ludwig van Beethoven
The “Musical Recommendation” in the book is made in cooperation with the Beethoven Museum in Vienna. The book will be published towards the end of 2024.

You may copy the text and use Google Translate.

(Die deutschsprachigen Teilnahmebedingungen können per E-Mail angefordert werden!)

With 4 images you can present your work on a double page (29.7 x 21 cm). We need six artworks (jpg files) to choose from. The book has the character of a beautiful gift book with art and lyrical poems. It will be bilingual (English as the first language plus German): EXAMPLE (sample book)

  • Entry fee: EUR 298 for your double page with four artworks and our professional bilingual text.

If desired, there is the possibility to pay in two installments.

Deadline for payment: Only a few places left!

The number of book places is limited. If you are interested, you can reserve your place in the book by payment! Please contact us for the current payment details as soon as possible!

JPEG-images can be sent later – by October 20, 2024.

Double page with 4 images. Please have a look also to the sample book! (You can show up to six images on your double page. Please see the prices for additional images or double pages in our rules.)

Included in the fee:

  • Double page with four selected artworks, indicating your website address (if desired).
  • An art appreciation text (bilingual) in the style of our “aesthetic considerations” and an art slogan, professionally translated by native English speakers.
  • Providing the book with the specified PR content (introducing a famous piece of classical music or theme).
  • The artist receives the simple right of use of the book (worldwide) for an unlimited period of time.
  • Participation in the contest for the book design awards.

You confirm your participation with your payment. It means you have read, understood and agree to the rules and conditions.

Download: After your click on the links, please click on the arrow!

Here you can download the entire invitation:

1. REGISTRATION, PAYMENT, AWARDS (Part 1 of our rules)

a) We need your address (decisive for your payment)

b) Please rank the artworks according to your preference! Artwork information should be in the following format:

First and Last name Number of the picture, Country, Title, Year, Technique, Size in cm

(example: Pablo Picasso 1, France, Portrait, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 80 x 100 cm)

There are 6 artworks needed (an image of each piece to be sent as a jpg file of approx. 3,000 to 4,000 KB), out of which will be selected four. One side of the image must be 25 cm long by 300 dpi.

c) Please send six jpg-images with the following file name: (your first and last name number country)

Example: Pablo Picasso 1 France.jpg

Please send the information of your artworks together with your images to the following email address: g.walter@enter-into-art.de


About the book:

The bilingual book will be printed in softcover and hardcover (29.7 x 21 cm). No print copies are included in the cost to publish. Artists can buy copies of the printed book at a reduced author price. No compulsory purchase! Please see the Author’s Price section in Part 2 of the rules! Regarding distribution please click on the links included!


The copyright and other rights of artwork use remain with the artist. The works are, therefore, freely available to the artist. By paying the fee, the artist acquires the right to use the book as specified in a special contract, which comes into force when it is signed by the artist. More information you will find in PART 3 of our rules!

“Enter into Art” ART BOOK SERIES

Data protection: Your information is used to publish the pictures, for our own contact with you and payment transaction.