Fascination of Worldwide Art and Color

The gift book in German is also the exhibition catalog 2019. The foreword, the table of contents, the poems and further chapters are also in English. In addition to 292 images and the winning pictures in the larger format, the art book contains chapters on the topics “Apollinaire and His Time in the Rhineland”, “Apollinaire and Music”, “Exhibition Concept” and a detailed guide for mindful and enjoyable viewing of art and colors. In addition, there are 38 haiku poems (featuring the voices of birds), images with art objects, photos of the exhibitions and illustrations included. The book also contains a chapter on the topics “Polish Students visiting Cologne” and “Enter into Art-Information”. Last year saw the introduction of the new category “Featured Artists”. Eight artists get to present their work on double pages.

There are two issues of this art book as follows:

  • a free copy, which we sent in 2019 to all artists participants
  • the publisher’s issue with the ISBN 978-3-96103-665-3

Art lovers can purchase the book worldwide in bookstores or from online retailers.
The book can be found in various online stores. And it will be distributed via the German library network! It is cataloged in the German National Library.

Google Translation of the special new chapter about the following topics:

The art book 2019 in our German online journal:

In addition in our German online journal “Bernsteinrose”, the art book will be shared in the context of a greeting or congratulation, or given away as a free e-book gift. A promotional button on the sidebar draws the attention of all readers to the art books. 

Book participants can purchase any number of the book from the publisher at the reduced author’s price.

The book is based on the ‘Enter into Art’-traveling exhibitions in 2018-19.