Solo events in the period 2016 / 2017

Melinda Kostelac, Croatia – solo exhibition “SMALL is BIG”Melinda Kostelac, Croatia, Solo exhibition

  • January 14 to January 22, 2017 (Studio Gallery in Bonn-Königswinter)

English blog post:

Bernsteinrose-Blog (German onlin journal):



Solo exhibitions of the winners 2016 in Cologne and Nassau- integrated in the main exhibitions

  • March 4 to March 15, 2017 (“Kulturbunker” Cologne-Mülheim)
  • April 3 to April 26, 2017 (Municipal Museum Nassau – Leifheit Cultural House)

Bo Cronqvist, Sweden and Petar Chinovsky, Bulgaria (First Prize 2016) – Atsushi Matsuoka, Japan (Second Prize 2016)