Group Exhibition “Nominee and Won” in Weißenthurm
Town Hall Foyer Weißenthurm: September 03 – October 12, 2018
Gallery with one selected artwork of each artist
Group exhibition with 26 artists from 18 countries, 5 – 10 small-format artworks of each artist.
- Ana María Lorenzen 2, Sweden, Juegos del Mar, 2, 2018, Pastel, 14 x 14 cm, 120
- Ann Dunbar 2, France, Giverny Lakeview, 2018, Embroidery & Watercolour, 15 x 19 cm, 100
- Ayano Toyoizumi 4, Japan, Towel 2, 2018, Mezzotint, 14 x 12 cm, 80
- Bie Flameng 06, Belgium, Adam & Eve, 2014, Digital Graphic Art (Mixed Media), 13 x 10,4 cm, 150
- Carlos Marín 1, Colombia, Sin Titulo, 2003, Soft Ground, 18 x 18 cm, 100
- Cinla Seker 5, Turkey, e, 2018, Digital Print, 10 x 14 cm, 200
- Dietrich Gürtler 2, Germany, Große Vase, 1989, Radierung, 10 x 9,8 cm, 20
- Gerhard Rasser 1, Austria, The Big Journey IV-I, 2018, Mixed Media, 14 x 14 cm, 75
- Jeanne Pannier 1, France, Calligraphy Variations, 2018, Chinese Ink and Acrylic, 18,5 x 14,5 cm
- Jerzy Pietruczuk 9, Poland, Postscriptum 4, 2018, Digital Image, Digital Print, 14 x 14 cm, 180
- Kirsti Heinonen 1, Finland, Water Mark (dedicated to J. Brodsky), 2018, Mixed Media, 14 x 14 cm, 90
- Kouki Tsuritani 1, Japan, Sheep’s House, 2017, Wood Engraving 11 x 13 cm, 100
- Mady Piesold 3, Germany, Swarm, 2018, Linolcut, 10 x 10 cm, 35
- Maki Mimura 5, Japan, Ties 8, 2018, Collagraph, 13.5 x 13 cm, 80
- Marja Blomster 1, Finland, A Birch of Karlsro I, 2018, Acrylic and Oil Colour, 14 x 14 cm, 150
- Merete Bartholdy 1, Denmark, Blinds, 2018, Linocut, 13 x 13 cm, 100
- R. Geoffrey Blackburn 10, USA, Canyon Jewel, 2006, Pigment Print, 11.7 x 14 cm, 40
- Ruth Helena Fischer 1, Italy, Underwater World 1, 2018, Mixed Media on Paper, 14 x 14 cm, 120
- Svetlana Vedernikova 1, Russia, Letter’s Game, 2016, Cartonprint, 10 x 10 cm, 25
- Victor Lipkin 6, Israel, In the Desert, 2017, Linocut, 17 x 13 cm, 80
- Viviana Covelli 2, Colombia, Of the Series Everything: Of the Sea, 2018, Engraving Alternative Media, 16 x 19 cm, 40
- Watana Kreetong 2, Thailand, Doi Yapanae Village Maehongson Thailand, 2017, Watercolor on Paper, 15 x 20 cm, 60
- Yvan LaFontaine 4, Canada, Le Bassin, 2017, Digital Print, 10 x 10 cm
- Yvonne Welman 4, The Netherlands, Cliché 3: Selfies, 2017, Painting, Digital Print, 14 x 14 cm, 50
The event is accompanied by the lyrical presentation of the hosts. In addition to painted sculptures, Kurt Ries once again presents his “Hommage à Guilluame Apollinaire” in the showcase and explains our artistic concept in this context. The famous art critic Guilluame Apollinaire also worked in the Rhineland as a poet.
Gabriele Walter is once again presented with exquisite haiku poems “Voices from Autumn” that are fitting for the season. Sixteen haiku sing different autumnal themes: By the Sea, Colors, Autumn Leaves and Play of Water.
Photos of the exhibition
Click on a photo to zoom in and start the show! (Some pictures are provided with captions, which you can see when you move the mouse over the image.)
Group Exhibition “16 times ART” in Weißenthurm
Town Hall Foyer Weißenthurm: June 25 – August 21, 2018
Gallery with one selected picture of each artist
Group exhibition with 19 artists from 16 countries, 5 – 10 small-format artworks of each artist.
- Alexander Gurevich, Muze ,1991, Etching, 16 x 11 cm
- Amaryllis Siniossoglou, Greece, Flow I x , 2018, Watercolor, 13 x 13,55
- April Ng Kiow Ngor, Singapore, Creating New Tracks #01, 2018 Intaglio print, 20 x 20 cm
- Asuna Yamauchi, Japan, Pale Pink Bones: Deep Forest 2, 2018, Etching, Aquatint, 15 x 15 cm
- Eleanora Hofer, South Africa, Emblem I, 2018, Collage, 15 x 10 cm
- Elvira Clément, Deutschland, Morgenhell, 2018, Monotypie, 15 x 15 cm
- Gerhard Rasser, Austria, The Big Journey II-1, Mixed Media, 14 x 14 cm
- Hee Sook Kim, USA, Re Paradise Between P5, 2017, Digital Print, 10 x 10 cm
- Josée Wuyts + Frans de Groot, Netherlands, Tower Signal, 2011, Dry Point, Etching, 11 x 8 cm
- juttamarie fricke, Germany, der biss, 2014, etching, 15 x 15 cm
- Liliana Rizo, Mexico, Fragment, 2018, Encaustic on paper 13.5 x 10 cm
- Maria Rita Onofri, Italy, Wheat, 2018, Acrylic, Spatula with Worked Metal,15 x 15 cm, 250
- Maud du Jeu, France, No Title, 2018, Ink and Wash Drawing, 15 x 15 cm
- Miriam Cojocaru, Israel, Landscape, 2017, Etching & Collagraph, 18 x 18 cm
- Monica Romero, México, The Eye of the Storm, 2018, Encaustic, 15 x 15 cm.
- Ida-Marie Hellenes, Norway, Boats, 2018, Etching, 10 x 10 cm
- Reti Saks, Estonia, Print Whisperer, 2016, Etching, Aquatint 10 x 10 cm
- Serge Koch, Luxembourg, Reflection IV, 2018, Digital Print, 12 x 12 cm
- Wouter Tacq, Belgium, Hope, 2018, Aquarell & Acryl, 14 x 14 cm
Alexander Gurevich, Israel*
Amaryllis Siniossoglou, Greece
April Ng Kiow Ngor, Singapore
Asuna Yamauchi, Japan
Eleanora Hofer, South Africa*
Elvira Clement, Germany (art and poetry)
Gerhard Rasser, Austria
Hee Sook Kim, USA*
Ida-Marie Hellenes, Norwegen
Josée Wuyts and Frans de Groot, Netherlands
Juttamarie Fricke, Germany (art and poetry)
Liliana Rizo, Mexico
Maria Rita Onofri, Italy
Maud du Jeu, France
Miriam Cojocaru, Israel
Monica Romero Davila, Mexico
Reti Saks, Estland
Serge Koch, Luxembourg
Wouter Tacq, Belgium
* Honorable Mentions (awarded with special presentation in the art and gift book “16 times ART”)
The following artists of the exhibition “16 times ART” had won an Enter into Art-award in the previous years:
Excellence Jury Prizes:
Amaryllis Siniossoglou, Monica Romero Davila, Reti Saks, Serge Koch
Honorable Mention: Wouter Tacq / Finalists were: Eleanora Hofer, Juttamarie Fricke, Gerhard Rasser
More information you will find in our awards-categories!
Photos of the exhibition
Click on a photo to zoom in and start the show! (Some pictures are provided with captions, which you can see when you move the mouse over the image.)
Winner Exhibition “Excellent Art” in Weißenthurm
Town Hall Foyer Weißenthurm: May 2 – June 14, 2018
Gallery with one selected picture of each artist
Group exhibition with 18 artists from 15 countries, 5 – 10 small-format artworks of each artist.
- Takanori Iwase 2, Japan, In Light, 2016, Woodcut, 11 x 11 cm
- Shyqri Gjurkaj 5, Sweden, Somewhere in Sweden 5, 2018, Oil, 14 x 14 cm, 250
- Patricia Pascazzi 1, Argentina, Eterna, 2017, Monocopia sobre cartón/chine collé, 17,5 x 18 cm, 80
- Nuria Pena 1, Spain, Silence 1, Digital print and additive technique on polycarbonate, 2017, 12 x 12 cm, 50
- Malin Lenz 2, Singapore, Simplicity 2, 2018, Acryl and pencil on paper, 14 x 14 cm, 50
- Kinichi Maki 1, Japan, My Old Memory as a Motorbike Rider 1, 2018, Digital Print, 14 x 14 cm, 70
- Kathie Pettersson 1 Sweden The White Eye 2018 Etching 10 x 8 cm 90
- Katharina Proch 8, Switzerland, Lovely Summer, Digital Art, 12 x 12 cm, 40
- Jenti H. Salminen 4, Finland, The curling life.2018. Chine colleè. 20 x 20 cm. 60
- Ismari Caraballo Milanés 6, Puerto Rico, El Naufragio De Tu Recuerdo 2 2016, Dry Point, 13 x 13 cm, 85
- Isao Kobayashi 4,.Japan, The Place Where the Memory Returns No.168, 2018, Piezo Graph, 14 × 14 cm
- Hyejeong Kwon 5, Korea, Relationship, 2006, Aquatint. Etching, 10 x 10 cm, 110
- Diana Kleiner 1, Argentina, Yemanjá, Empress of the Waters, Queen of the Sea, Lady of Life I, Digital Print, 10 x 10 cm, 200
- Bo Cronqvist, 1, Sweden, The Philosophers House, 2017, Aquatint Etching, 30 x 35 cm, 300
- Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson 1, USA, The Unexpected, 2018, Mezzotint & Digital, 14 x 14 cm, 100
- Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska 5, Poland, Into Red 1, 2018, Mixed, 13,5 x 14 cm, 40
- Ana Galvão 1, Portugal, Blue City, 2015, Copper etching, 10 x 10 cm, 45
- Agim Salihu 1, Republic Kosovo, The Wall, 2014, Dry Point Aquatint, 10 x 9 cm
Bo Cronqvist, Sweden, 1st Jury-Prize 2016 and Jury-Prize „Excellence“ 2017
Takanori Iwase, Japan, 1st Jury-Prize 2017 and Jury-Prizes „Excellence“ 2016 + 2018
Agim Salihu, Kosovo, 3rd Jury-Prize 2018
Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska, Poland, Honorable Special Prize 2017
Beverly Ashcraft-Johnson, USA, Jury-Prize „Excellence“ 2016
Patricia Pascazzi, Argentina, Jury-Prize „Excellence“ 2016
Malin Lenz, Singapore / D, Jury-Preis „Excellence“ 2018
Katharina Proch, Schwitzerland, Jury-Preis „Excellence“ 2018
Shyqri Gjurkaj, Sweden, Jury-Prize „Excellence“ 2017
Kinichi Maki, Japan, Jury-Prizes „Excellence“ 2016 + 2017
Nuria Pena, Spain, Jury-Prize „Excellence“ 2017Diana Kleiner, Argentina, Honorable Mention 2016
Ismari Caraballo, Puerto Rico, Honorable Mention 2017
Isao Kobayashi, Japan, Honorable Mention 2018
Hyejeong, Kwon, Korea, Honorable Mention 2018
Jenti H. Salminen, Finland, Artist Guest
Ana Galvao, Portugal, Nominated Finalist 2016
Photos of the exhibition
Click on a photo to zoom in and start the show! (Some pictures are provided with captions, which you can see when you move the mouse over the image.)