2nd “Enter into Art” International Installations 2016
(Annual Miniprint + Mixed Media: Cologne, Diez, Nassau)
1. “Enter into Art” International Installations 2015
(Annual Miniprint + Mixed Media: Cologne)
Other German blog posts:
- Category “Our art events and solo exhibitions”
- Category “Art excellence”
- Category “Intercultural Art Installation”
- Category “Greetings with art pictures”
- Category “Living with pictures”
German online gallery and German online archive:
- Pictures will be shown for one year in the German online show
- German online archiv
In our German blog journal “Bernsteinrose” artworks are arranged by color and will be changed every year in April. This means you can see the pictures from last year in the current German online show! We ask for your patience until the end of April. After one year your pictures will be shown in the German archiv forever!
Art book “Kunstretreat” 2016
More information about the art book:
- Art book 2016 (catalog with your pictures)
- Why are small-scale art images the ideal international publicity for an artist?