Gift book ‘Congratulations’

International book project
‘Congratulations!’, 2024
Relaxing with Flowers, Colors, Poetry and Art
(Book series: LOUNGE 5 – volume iI)

Editor: Gabriele Walter

EXAMPLE (sample book)

(The Diamond Award certificate is printed on a full page at the end of the book, with a reference to it and the artists names at the beginning of the book!)

You may copy the text and use Google Translate or any other translation tool. (Die deutschsprachigen Teilnahmebedingungen können per E-Mail angefordert werden!)

Since you are invited, your participation is guaranteed…

Only 8 places for eight selected artists! Each for its own color chapter in panoramic format!

Please see our recommendation for your color chapter! The artwork does not have to fully match the color tone of a chapter, but only approximately or partially! The subject is free, it doesn’t have to be pictures of flowers!

Colorful colors: free, see our recommendation
Red hues: free, see our recommendation
Orange hues: free, see our recommendation
Yellow hues: booked
Green hues: free, see our recommendation
Blue hues: booked
Violet hues: booked
Black and white hues: free, see our recommendation

This is the old cover of 2023 (volume 1). The front cover of the volume 2 of the book series will be designed with other pictures!

With 4 – 8 images you can present your work in your own color chapter on three double pages (= 6 book pages in A4 landscape format). If you want to send new images, I need up to 10 artworks (jpg files). The book has the character of a beautiful gift book with flower images, art and lyrical poems. It will be bilingual (English and German): EXAMPLE (sample book)

Since this is a special invitation for only 8 artists, we sent you the rules as an attachment in our invitation email.

If you are interested, please inform us as soon as possible.

Deadline for payment: Please inform us about your decision, as soon as possible. Only 8 places are available in this book! You can reserve your color chapter by paying the entry fee.

JPEG-images can be send later. If you agree with the recommended color, your images that are already here can be used. (In this case, you just have to pay!). Of course, you can also send other images.

  • Entry fee: EUR 448,00 for the appearance in an own color chapter (three double pages in panoramic format / 4 to 8 images – depending on the image format).

If desired, payment can be made in installments (EUR 148, 150, 150). Offer for additional images: Please ask for information per email!
Participation in our annual bonus video with one artwork for the first 4 participants!

You confirm your participation with your payment. It means you have read, understood and agree to the rules and conditions. According to the rules payment must be made to Gabriele Walter.

(Help to avoid mistakes! Please use the right email address with Paypal and also the right bank account number of the respective editor! Read the samples in our rules carefully and register in the same way.)

Explanation on the book project “Congratulations!” (Relaxing with Flowers, Colors, Poetry and Art)

The concept of the book is significantly different from the other “Enter into Art” book series and conventional art books. The focus of the book is on the congratulatory context with flower images, which increases the effectiveness of the dissemination of the art images. Awarded with the “Enter into Art” Diamond-Prize eight selected artists from all over the world can present 4 – 8 works of art on three double-page spreads in panorama format (= 6 book pages) in one color chapter each. The A4 landscape format also offers an exceptionally generous representation of your works for the purpose of mindful meditation. The special thing about the book is that it contains two practice-oriented meditation instructions and can be used for meditative relaxation.The artwork does not have to fully match the color tone of your recommended or chosen chapter, but only approximately or partially: Individual book pages can be combined with images in other colors (see the orange chapter in the sample book)! The subject is free, it doesn’t have to be pictures of flowers!

Flowers are a gift for every occasion. With gorgeous blossoms, art, and rainbow colors in panoramic format, this unusual gift book will take you on a soothing trip to deep relaxation. We dedicate this printed bouquet to all the people close to our heart. Consciously experience the colors and shapes of the flowers and art as you breathe them in through your eyes like healing scents. Combined with an extraordinarily attractive PR concept with free greeting cards (menu item “Free congratulations” on our website), the gift book idea is clearly in the foreground. In keeping with the content and design, the online book is shown in addition on around 10 special pages with free greeting cards as part of our English blog (right column of our website). At the same time, there is a link to buy the printed book from the international bookseller Peecho. Everyone needs greeting cards and a nice gift from time to time.

Included in the entry fee:

  • Three double pages in panoramic format with 4 – 8 selected works of art (= 6 book pages in A4 landscape format), the artist’s website address, a matching art slogan and two haiku poems.
  • Participants can purchase any number of copies of the printed book (soft and hardcover) at the Peecho bookseller at any time.
  • Equipping the book with the specified PR content (embedding in the PR concept of the internet with greeting cards ).
  • The artist receives the simple right to use the respective volume (worldwide) for an unlimited period of time.
  • Certificate of the “Enter into Art”-Diamond-Prize for all selected artists of the book.
  • One art image from each of the eight participants is shown in mini format either on the cover, the back cover or the title page. The names of the artists are mentioned right at the beginning of the book.

Please ask for our Rules with further infomation!


a) I need your address (decisive for your payment) and your current website address (if there).

The image files can be sent later (see the deadline for the artworks).

b) Please rename your jpg files with the following file name:
(your first and last name number country – without comma!) (or at least 1 – 10)

Pablo Picasso 1 France.jpg

(If you want to show more images, some of the images will be printed smaller!)

c) Please rank the artworks according to your preference! Artwork information should be exactly in the following format:

First and Last name Number of the picture, Country, Title, Year, Technique, Size in cm
Pablo Picasso 1 France, Portrait, 2013, oil on Canvas, 80 x 100 cm)

There are up to 10 artworks needed (an image of each piece to be sent as a jpg file of approx. 3,000 to 4,000 KB), out of which will be selected 4 – 8 (depending on the format of the works of art). For the purpose of meditative contemplation the images are shown as large as possible. One side of the image files must be 30 cm long by 300 dpi. See the sample book!

Please send your address and the information of your artworks together with your images to the following email address: or by WeTransfer.

Alternatively (if the emails not arrive):

2. ABOUT THE BOOK (See PART 2 of the Rules!)

The bilingual book will be printed in soft and hardcover (landscape format – 21 x 29,7 cm). Artists can buy copies of the printed book at the Peecho bookseller. No compulsory purchase! There is no print copy included in the cost to publish. Please see in detail the Author’s Price section in the PART 2 of the Rules!

3. COPYRIGHT (See PART 3 of the Rules!)

By paying the entry fee, the artist acquires the right to use the book as specified in a special contract, which comes into force when it is signed by the artist. The copyright and other rights of artwork use remain with the artist. The works are, therefore, freely available to the artist!


Data protection: Your information is used to publish the pictures, for our own contact with you and payment transaction.